Somewhat random thoughts on astronomy, grad school, traveling, this, that, and the other as well.
δ Carina recently figured out how to get on top of the bathroom door. I haven't seen her actually get onto the door, but she's pretty funny and proud of herself once she's up there. For your lolcat captioning pleasure...:
Posted by
3/24/2008 09:05:00 PM
Labels: funny, gratuitous pictures, kitty
pic #2: "door cat says, watch where you step"
last pic: "monorail cat is taking a break now"
second to last: "shh, don't tell the walrus, but the bucket is behind the door"
and from my brother: "Iz see no evidens of ceiling cat" (which is perhaps appropriate for this blog?)
Door kitteh seez no evdiens of ceeling cat
DoorCat Suggest wach wher steppin
About the GRB on March 19th that was visible to the naked eye, have you been able to pinpont the host galaxy?
Just wondering if you're working on it...
bj: I myself do not work on GRBs, but most people have heard of the one you are talking about. There was a paper on astro-ph five days after the event (which included some somewhat questionable data-mining techniques).
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