Monday, December 11, 2006

Questions Raised by ApJ Proofs

My peanut star paper got accepted and is set to be published soon. How soon is unclear, though. On the proofs, after the author list, it says, Received 2006 October 9; accepted 2006 November 8; published 2006 December XX. But at the top of the page, it says, The Astrophysical Journal, 654:L000-L000, 2007 January 1. So what I want to know is: is this paper mollishka et al. (2006), or mollishka et al. (2007)? I know it is probably 2007, but 2006 would make me seem so much more productive and would be much less confusing ... and apparently the page charges are less per page for 2007 than for 2006, but the page charge sheet they sent with the proofs was for 2006 and not 2007.

Also, since when did Kelvins become kelvins?


Jon Voisey said...

I still hear varying opinions on whether it's Kelvins or ºKelvin.

mollishka said...

I don't think it has ever been degrees Kelvin ... but I do remember it being Kelvins (capitalized "K") rather than kelvins ... but according to The Internet And ApJ, it's now kelvins. I just didn't get the memo ...